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Everything is energy and we are surrounded in a quantum field of energy that is directly correlated with our thoughts. 


When emotional energy becomes trapped in the body it can literally affect our lives in every way, it can affect the way we think and behave and can be the cause of energy imbalances that create emotional and physical suffering.


Most people are carrying trapped emotional energy just from life's experiences, in fact it can start in utero as inherited energies from the ancestral lineage.  Emotions carry vibrational frequencies just like everything else and they can attract more of the same and similar frequencies, over time they collect and layer in areas of the body.  See "a deeper look at trapped emotions" for some common examples of what can cause emotional energies to become trapped.

What the Emotion Code has done for me


The Emotion Code is an effective and an efficient way to tap into the subconscious mind through the body and for that reason I am convinced that this modality is a true gem in energy work. My personal experience has changed my life for the better especially in the areas of blocks, difficult relationships & forgiveness - my overall sense of well-being and joy have improved immensely since I've started using the emotion code in my life.  The reason I absolutely love this modality of energy work is because it works directly with the "wisdom mind" the mind that holds the memory of everything we have ever experienced "the subconscious mind".   This is necessary when it comes to unveiling the effects of emotional trauma and moving past comfort zones/old belief systems that are often keeping us stuck or are creating havoc in our lives.  

My first profound experience using the Emotion Code was removing my heartwall.  I say profound because it literally stopped frequent and reoccurring triggers from a traumatic event that had been consuming my life for nearly 4 years, so frequent in fact that I had begun to believe they would be with me forever.  As I gradually released trapped emotions that made up my heart-wall I felt a deeper sense of wellbeing and lightness, I found the intensity of the feelings these triggers would cause began to diminish then literally disappeared completely. I no longer felt the intense fear and anxiety that would accompany a trigger and over a year later they have not returned.  This new sense of well-being has affected my life in so many positive ways especially in my closest relationships.  Clearing out trapped emotional energy helps to raise vibrational frequency, this is important because of resonance - see "the resonance of trapped emotions".   The Emotion Code was a real life-changer for me, I believe it has the potential to be life changing for you as well. 


The potential of the energy healing process is progressive.

 By releasing trapped emotions we create a new energetic state - from this new energetic state creates new perceptions - new perceptions create new beliefs - new beliefs create new behaviors, which create new experiences - new experiences create a new reality...when you change your energy, you change your life

- Anonymous -

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